Mission & Vision
Perfecting Truth Ministries mission and vision is that all people accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by encouraging, empowering, and equipping them with the truth of God's word.
What denomination are you?
We are an independent church. This means that we are not a member of any organized denomination, such as Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc
We Believe in the Trinity
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
What we believe statements
- God is the Creator of the universe. He eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This makes up the Trinity which is co-equal and one with the Almighty God.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God who lived a sinless life and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for all mankind by dying on the cross. We believe in his death, burial, and resurrection, who has ascended to heaven and will return again to reign King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
- The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son. He provides Christians with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is morally correct.
- We believe that all matters of faith and conduct must be evaluated on the basis of Holy Scripture, which is our inspired, infallible, and inerrant guide (2 Timothy 3:16–17). Since the Holy Bible does speak to the nature of human beings and their sexuality, it is imperative that we correctly understand and articulate what the Bible teaches on these matters. We are committed to the home and family as set forth in Holy Scripture.
- We believe God has ordained and created marriage to exist between one man and one woman, with absolute marital fidelity. The Bible sets forth specific home and family values, which include the distinct roles of husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, and children. It is our firm conviction that we uphold the dignity of each individual as we embrace the unchanging and longstanding principles of scriptural truth.
- The Bible is the inspired word of God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
- Salvation is Gods free gift to us, but we must accept it. We as free-will beings can and will never make up for our sins. For the bible says that we are all sinners saved by his grace and that if we confess with our mouth to the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
- Water baptism by immersion is a symbol of the believer’s death to the power and bondage of sin and the individual’s resurrection to newness of life in Christ Jesus.
- All who partake in his communion remembers the love of God that was extended towards all mankind in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.